Cấu trúc dịch WPML và 1 số câu query hay dùng
Cấu trúc bản dịch WPML
Lấy ra tất cả category
- SELECT t.term_id AS id,
- t.name AS post_title,
- t.slug AS post_url
- FROM wp_terms t
- LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tt
- ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
- LEFT JOIN wp_icl_translations
- ON t.term_id = wp_icl_translations.element_id
- WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'product_cat' and wp_icl_translations.language_code LIKE 'vi' AND wp_icl_translations.element_type LIKE 'tax_product_cat'
- ORDER BY name
Lấy sản phẩm có sku
- (
- SELECT b.ID, b.post_title, b.post_status, b.guid, a.meta_value, c.language_code
- FROM wp_postmeta a
- right JOIN
- wp_posts b ON a.post_id = b.ID
- WHERE a.meta_key LIkE '_sku' AND b.post_type like 'product' AND b.post_status LIKE 'publish' AND c.language_code LIKE 'vi' ORDER BY b.ID
- ) a
- (
- SELECT b.ID as id_en, b.post_title as title_en, b.guid as guid_en, a.meta_value as sku_en
- FROM wp_postmeta a
- right JOIN
- wp_posts b ON a.post_id = b.ID
- WHERE a.meta_key LIkE '_sku' AND b.post_type like 'product' AND b.post_status LIKE 'publish' AND c.language_code LIKE 'en' ORDER BY b.ID
- ) b
- ON a.meta_value = b.sku_en